

The last time when I spoke about my family. I thought I had covered everyone. But I had missed writing about a very important person. Someone who doesn’t have a blood relation with me. Someone who wasn’t gifted by God to me. Someone who I Chose to be a part of my family.
My Girl Best Friend.

It’s been several years now. Having a best friend of the opposite gender is always something special.

Love without complications?
Then love your best friend.

She is the only female friend who all my male friends know about. It’s not that I go up to them and tell them about her. ( I would love to do that Bcz I am so proud of having her as my bestfrnd. But I don’t ) But I spend most of my time with her, so its but natural that all my other friends know about her.

My parents know about her really well. When I tell my mom that I m going out with friends and do not reply to her ‘which friends are you going out with’ ( i have various groups, school , college, educational courses, other courses) then she understands its Her.
When I ask my Dad for a couple of hours of break at work to hang out with friends , He understands its Her. (Because I DO NOT prioritize my friends over work. But she’s special )

I have her Mom’s number. I talk random stuffs with her mom. She’s very kind hearted and a really calm person. Her mom knows when she comes out with me. May be she trusts that Her daughter is safe when she is with me. May be. May be not. Who cares. It is She alone who matters to me.

Life felt perfect when she was around.
The Zero awkwardness. Inside talks. Dirty jokes. Unlimited laughter. If I can be nothing but my self with someone then it is with Her.

Shity day and then talking with her for sometime before going to sleep made everything alright. I am the happiest when with Her. I’ve learnt so many things from her. So much of what I am today is because of her.
And then . .
I fell in love with her.

So, we were returning back home after an amusement park trip. No, both of us did not go alone. Me and few of her cousins. All of us were really tired after the entire day’s fun and madness. Rest of them were sitting in the front seats. Me and Her were sitting at the back. Behaving like none of them exist.
So this is when I felt she’s the one . . .

I was listening to music and relaxing as I was really tired. She was resting as well, right beside me.
All of a sudden something strikes me and I pinch her and wake her up.

Her- what the hell is wrong with you. Why would u pinch me so hard while I am sleeping?
Me- I want you to listen to something, pleaseeee. ( I give her one side of my ear phone)
Her- okay fine , give it to me.

I play ‘Be with you’ by Akon then..

Half way past the song and I hold her hand tight. She looks at me and smiles.
I start singing along.
‘ You are my everything
In my life see the joy you bring
Ain’t no one I can compare you to.
And I know, that you will never walk away from me no matter what
That’s why I plan to do the same thing for you.
And I want you to know
That I don’t care what they say
And I don’t care what they do
I am gonna Be with you

When the song ends. She whispers into my ear ‘that’s really sweet of you..’
The dim car light.
Breezy weather.
Me and Her alone in the back seat.
I tell her ‘this is the perfect time for our first kiss,  I’ve seen it in movies’
Her- Shut up. Don’t dream too much.
Me- I miss my ex girlfriend. If she was here she would have kissed me.
She slaps me.
I’ve been slapped a lot by my teachers during my school. By not as hard as she did.
Her- You’ve wasted a lot of time of your life behind her. Now don’t you dare even think about her.
Me- okay. You could have even told that politely.
Her- okay I am sorry.
*She rubs my cheek and gives me a peck on my cheek*
* I smile the widest *


Long story short.
I fell in love with her.
She did not.
Friendzoned -.-
Slowly we started distancing ourselves from each other .
Awkwardness started creeping in .
And now we have reached a point when we do not even talk to each other .
A part of me does not exist anymore.
A side which only came out when she was around.
She went to this ice cream parlor which had a picture of a cow.
And then she decides she’ll call me ‘Moo’
And when someone else calls me by that name she says ‘only I can’

I never wanted to leave.
But the time when I realised, she’s more happier without me than when she’s with me.
I knew it’s time to leave.
At the end of the day all I wanted was, her to be happy.
I know she’ll read this.
I know, the moment she reads she’ll know it is Her who I am talking about.
I do not want us to end because of unspoken words.
Because of unexpressed feelings.
I miss You .
I miss Us.
A Lot.
Always Yours.

Family 💟


I always knew what I wanted to do in life. I have always worked hard for it. I still do. One life. One chance. I want to make it to what I’ve always dreamt of..

Until Today..

So today, I was returning back from work and my bike gets punctured and so I had to come back by Bus..

When I was waiting at the bus stop. I see an old man. He was waiting for his bus to return back home as well. He was lean and weak. Holding a stick in his hand to support him while walking. Wearing a Ear machine to help him hear better. He wore Huge specs. I presumed He had difficulty in seeing too.

After waiting for a couple of minutes , a bus arrived. Having problems with looking for the Bus number He asked me ‘Beta(Son) will this bus go to Broadway’ (i suppose that is were he lived). I informed Him that this wasn’t the right bus for him and I’ll let him know when his bus arrives.(Both of us had to board the same bus)

After a few minutes our bus arrived. I informed Him and we both boarded the bus together. There were only two empty seats in the center of the bus and so I sat there along with him.

He casually engaged in a conversation with me by asking for my name, which city am I from, what work I do and other such questions. Being really tired after the day’s work and pushing my bike up till the mechanics garage I replied to all his questions in a very disinterested manner. He understood my discomfort and restrained himself from talking any further.

After around 10mins I realised I had been rude to Him. I realised that He’s quite elder to me and I shouldn’t have spoken to him like that. I apologized to him for my rude behaviour and explained to him how my bike got punctured and so I was really tired and wanted to sit peacefully for sometime. He gave me a warm welcoming smile and said He completely understands . He told me that his Son used to talk to him in the same manner when He asked his Son about His day at school once he returned back home.

Engaging in a conversation with him , I came to know that He was an Only Parent.
He had a Son and a Daughter.
Daughter married and Settled in Dubai. Son Married and Settled in US.

He lived all alone.
Waking up by himself.
Preparing his own meals.
Washing his clothes.
Cleaning his house.
Travelling to work in the crowded buses.
Having a rough day at work and then coming back by himself.
Preparing dinner.
Washing the vessels.
And then sleeping all alone.
I feel scared even thinking about this.

It’s been ages since He had gone for an outing.
Imagine this being the routine for someone for years together.
Wouldn’t you wish death rather than living a life like this.
He told me his son sent him loads of money at every month end. But those were of no use to him.

He told me his son loved him.
He wanted him to come and live along with him. But his visa wasn’t getting approved.

He told me his only hope for living was that someday his son would come back along with his grand children and in his last days he”ll live his life like he always wanted to. With his family.

Like Always. Hundreds of questions started running through my mind.
He was still talking to me.
But I was too engrossed into my thoughts to listen to him any further.
I held his hand tight.

Why dose He have to go through all this at this stage of his life?

Did He give too much of liberty to His children?

All His fault was that he loved his children so much that He worked for them the entire life without expecting anything in return?

All His life. Being an only parent shouldn’t have been easy.

Truth Always Triumphs. Doesn’t it?

He was still smiling. Still full of life.

Wouldn’t He be regretting working all his life and in the end he’s left with nothing.

Should I say that his children are cold hearted or am I too quick to judge them?

Four years of bachelor’s. Two years of master’s. Three years of work experience. Exploring the world. Meeting new people. Seeing new places. That is what my plan was.

I sit there. Silent. Numb.

What would have I went through if my parents left me when I was in 3rd grade.
If they come back to me after 10 years. Tell me they were busy making a future for themselves.
Will I ever be able to accept them back? Forgive them for what they’ve done?
Then why does this seem to be perfectly alright when I wanting to do the same with them?

I remembered how when I was young, my Dad will skip his breakfast to drop me to school so that I reach in time.
Made sure I got educated in the best school.
Protected me.
Worked hard. Really hard. So that all my little and big wants can be fulfilled.
I remember how my teacher made a dozens of complaints about me at the parents meet. He heard all of that. With a smile.
My Dad. My Superhero.

My Mom. Mom 💝
What hasn’t she done for me.
The first person to wake up in the morning. Make sure I have my meals three times a day. Staying up until I reach back home safely.
Always keeping me in her prayers.
If there is God on earth. Then it is Her.

I am sorry Mom, for the times I had second you for those plastic friends of mine.
After college they’ve all vanished Mom.
But you did not.
You have always been there for me Mom.
I’ve no words to thank you for that.

I am sorry Mom for every time I lost my temper and raised my voice against you.

I am sorry Mom for being so busy at growing up that I forgot that you’re growing old.

I had lost my direction Mom. I am sorry..

My Brother.
Me and my Brother studied in the same school. I remember how when I was young I had hurt myself while playing football at school.
How my brother lifted me up and hurried me to the hospital.
Brought my school bag and my lunch to school for the next month and a half. Wrote my notes. Did my assignments. Having an elder brother. Blessing. Greatest blessing.

I can always see tears in my Mom’s eyes when I spoke about going abroad. Spoke about getting my admission forms. Booking my tickets. Getting new clothes.

But she never spoke about it. No matter what she felt from the inside, she never told a word. She always kept a smile on Her face. For my happiness.

My Dad. He went numb when He realised this was my last week at work with him, and then I’ll be gone.
We left for work together.
Ate our lunch together.
Came back home together.
Our days weren’t complete without each other.
When I was younger I wasn’t that close to my Dad. But after joining him at work, he’s become my Best Friend.

My Brother.
We are like two bodies one soul. He did all what he could do for me.
He gave me a smile every time I spoke about leaving him and going after my dreams. Some were deep inside him, He wanted me to stay.

I sit there as my tears raced out of my eyes. What was I about to do. The most stupidest thing I could’ve ever done in my life.

I look around and I notice that the Old man had left. The bus had went way ahead the stop in which I had to get down. I collect myself back together and take a cab to get back home.

I reached back home. I had a choice to make. And my choice was obvious. Those tickets. Those forms.
I burnt them all. Without any second thoughts.

Yes I want my dreams to come true someday.
Yes I want to live the life which I’ve always imagined.
But today I realised, that we are in this together. There is strength in unity.

Success brings you money, status and fame. But Happiness comes only when you have your dear ones along with you to celebrate that success with you .

Success without family is like You Winning the player of the tournament. But your team losing.

I thank God for making me realise all this in the right time.
Before its too late ..
Before its too late and all I m left with is, Regrets..

If this post can bring one child closer to His/Her family. Then it is victory for me.

Thank you for taking out your time and reading this.

I hope you all have a successful life.
Keeping your dreams close to your heart and your dear ones Closer..