What Happened after She Read The Post.


For those of you who have read my post family#2 , this post is also going to be a lot personal so please excuse me for that.

So she did read . She told me it’s touching . ‘Your post. I’ve clinged to me. A lot’
Is what she said.

‘I’m gonna go someday .
And it’s going to be really hard for you’
She said.

‘You’ll be married someday.
You’ll have a wife.
You’ll have to give her your everything.
And if I’m around
You can’t.
I know you well
You’re too emotional
Not good at moving on’
(Then don’t leave no. I said, inside my head)

She cares about me. A lot.
How much I love that about her.
But isn’t she spoiling the moment by thinking about what might happen (or might not) tomorrow?

Anyway. We’ve decided we wouldn’t be talking anymore.
God. I’m going to miss her.
But life happens.

It is not that this is the first time we have stopped talking to each other.
This has happened previously as well.
A lot of times.
And every time something brings us back together. The bond stronger than ever before.
I was hoping something would bring us back together this time as well.

But she was straight and clear.
‘Don’t expect too much. You’ll be disappointed’ she said
‘You’ll disappoint me? ‘ I asked
‘Yes’ she said without any second thoughts.


I’ve a lot of things which I have to thank her for. I did not get a chance to do that.
I had no idea that something like WordPress existed.
She took the burden to create me a website.
Thought of a cool blog name.
Designed my blog. Cover picture.
So thank you, for all that time and effort :*

For the million of times when she chose me over everyone else. That is the best feeling in the world. Sometimes all you want is knowing that you’re the first to someone. Thank you.

For when you stayed by me when sticking on got really difficult and moving away was an easy option. Thank you.

For taking a stand for me when people around spoke shit about me. Best friends always do that and that is what you exactly did.
Thank you.

For all those priceless memories which I am going to cherish for the rest of my life. Thankyou so much.
I love you oceans.

I also have to apologise to you for a lot of things. But I wouldn’t do that. Because for doing that I’ll have to bring up the past and then both of us are going to weep plenty.
I am sorry sweetie :* (Simple and Neat)


So now that things are done and dusted. Here are some of the things which I’ve learnt from all this.

*None of us are to be blamed if it doesn’t work out. Life happens. Can’t help.

* FOREVER is a Myth. Nothing is permanent. I’m going to stand by you sounds fine to me. I’m going to be by your side forever makes me Lol.
Promising someone to be by their side for ever is a promise which is made only to be broken.

* If its meant to be, it’ll be.
And if it is not, it won’t.
I know this feeling when every time I saw her I felt like she’s the one.
Her eyes. Her smile. Her tantrums. Her anger. Her voice. I love.
And when she’s seated right in front of me and talking, I get so lost in admiring her (also bcz most of the time she’s talking about these girly stuffs and it gets really boring. But she would be all excited to tell and I love that. So I don’t complain)
Then she catches me not listening to her and gets mad at me. Tells me she’ll never tell me all her ‘personal’ stuffs anymore. I’ll then have to convince her that I was listening. Just not paying enough attention.
So then she starts from the beginning again (Oh God, No!)
I knowwww, I am deviating from the topic.
So, sometimes you just feel the person is the one for you. So you try hard. Really hard. And when it still doesn’t workout you’re not ready to accept a ‘No’ because you feel he/she is the one and there can be no one as perfect as them, for you. But Fate Wins. In the end what’s written in the destiny is what is going to happen.
So Bro, stop blaming yourself if it doesn’t work out .

* Happy endings are meant to be only for the yash raj films.
Be realistic. You cannot go to her house during her marriage and Woo Her heart and Her entire family.

* In the process of loving someone, DO NOT FORGET that you’re the most important person in your life.
Do love them.
Respect? Yes, absolutely.
Gifts? Hell yeah !
Do anything which you can to keep your significant other happy. Because they’re worth it.
But not at the cost of losing your self-worth.

* Be sure of who you’re expressing your feelings to. Not everyone is going to respect them. Not everyone is going to safeguard them. Not everyone is going to reciprocate 
Some are going to ignore.
Some are going to make fun.
And some will go to the extent of playing with .

* When you cannot figure out when is the right time to leave, then probably NOW is the right time.

* Do not build goals around people. Do not make one person the center of your entire life. Because when they leave, which they will ; you’ll not be able to figure out your purpose for life. Which makes living difficult. Which makes you wonder what to wake up for the next morning. Which stops you from giving your best into the things you do.
You’re just living, but you’re not alive.

* No matter what, life has to go on.
Yes. The Sun isn’t going to stop itself from rising tomorrow because I feel like sleeping longer. Have to pull myself back together as soon as possible.

* Go for the one who loves you than for the one who you love. There is this saying which is stuck in my mind since long ‘ I lost diamonds while I was busy collecting stones ‘
Sometimes you’re too involved in loving a person. That you ignore the world around. You ignore all the other people who love you. To whom you’re the dearest. You choose that one person above all. Above everyone. It feels like a dream.
Then that person leaves.
Which wakes you up.
Which makes you come out of your dreamy world and then the reality strikes.
You wonder Wtf where you doing with your life all this while.
And then all you’re left with regrets and memories πŸ™‚

I promise. The next post is going to be different. It’s not going to be a ‘me crying all the time’ post.

And to you Miss.
Please do not take any of the things which I’ve written to your heart.
Little bit of regrets. But no grudges.
Not your fault. Not mine.
Love you oceans :*

5 thoughts on “What Happened after She Read The Post.

  1. I read somewhere once that, “Once what you have learned finds its emotional place, it is never forgotten.”

    Life goes on, but the lessons learned must never be forgotten. Sometimes we must learn to starve our desires, for our destiny holds something better!

    Khoob tadpaya hai teri khwaaishon ne tujhe; ab tu bhi unhe thoda tadapta chhod de!

    Cheers for a better tomorrow my friend! πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When a person leaves, I think they leave a hole shaped like them in our lives which no one else can perfectly fit. But no matter what life goes on, with or without them.
    Hope tomorrow brings you strength to find the good in goodbye.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I knowwww..
      I can never even imagine someone else taking her place.
      Thank you for your kind words πŸ™‚
      I always thought WordPress was all about writing..
      But then, there are such good people around here.
      Caring, friendly and selfless πŸ™‚
      So I guess its not a bad place to make new friends ! πŸ˜€


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