

The last time when I spoke about my family. I thought I had covered everyone. But I had missed writing about a very important person. Someone who doesn’t have a blood relation with me. Someone who wasn’t gifted by God to me. Someone who I Chose to be a part of my family.
My Girl Best Friend.

It’s been several years now. Having a best friend of the opposite gender is always something special.

Love without complications?
Then love your best friend.

She is the only female friend who all my male friends know about. It’s not that I go up to them and tell them about her. ( I would love to do that Bcz I am so proud of having her as my bestfrnd. But I don’t ) But I spend most of my time with her, so its but natural that all my other friends know about her.

My parents know about her really well. When I tell my mom that I m going out with friends and do not reply to her ‘which friends are you going out with’ ( i have various groups, school , college, educational courses, other courses) then she understands its Her.
When I ask my Dad for a couple of hours of break at work to hang out with friends , He understands its Her. (Because I DO NOT prioritize my friends over work. But she’s special )

I have her Mom’s number. I talk random stuffs with her mom. She’s very kind hearted and a really calm person. Her mom knows when she comes out with me. May be she trusts that Her daughter is safe when she is with me. May be. May be not. Who cares. It is She alone who matters to me.

Life felt perfect when she was around.
The Zero awkwardness. Inside talks. Dirty jokes. Unlimited laughter. If I can be nothing but my self with someone then it is with Her.

Shity day and then talking with her for sometime before going to sleep made everything alright. I am the happiest when with Her. I’ve learnt so many things from her. So much of what I am today is because of her.
And then . .
I fell in love with her.

So, we were returning back home after an amusement park trip. No, both of us did not go alone. Me and few of her cousins. All of us were really tired after the entire day’s fun and madness. Rest of them were sitting in the front seats. Me and Her were sitting at the back. Behaving like none of them exist.
So this is when I felt she’s the one . . .

I was listening to music and relaxing as I was really tired. She was resting as well, right beside me.
All of a sudden something strikes me and I pinch her and wake her up.

Her- what the hell is wrong with you. Why would u pinch me so hard while I am sleeping?
Me- I want you to listen to something, pleaseeee. ( I give her one side of my ear phone)
Her- okay fine , give it to me.

I play ‘Be with you’ by Akon then..

Half way past the song and I hold her hand tight. She looks at me and smiles.
I start singing along.
‘ You are my everything
In my life see the joy you bring
Ain’t no one I can compare you to.
And I know, that you will never walk away from me no matter what
That’s why I plan to do the same thing for you.
And I want you to know
That I don’t care what they say
And I don’t care what they do
I am gonna Be with you

When the song ends. She whispers into my ear ‘that’s really sweet of you..’
The dim car light.
Breezy weather.
Me and Her alone in the back seat.
I tell her ‘this is the perfect time for our first kiss,  I’ve seen it in movies’
Her- Shut up. Don’t dream too much.
Me- I miss my ex girlfriend. If she was here she would have kissed me.
She slaps me.
I’ve been slapped a lot by my teachers during my school. By not as hard as she did.
Her- You’ve wasted a lot of time of your life behind her. Now don’t you dare even think about her.
Me- okay. You could have even told that politely.
Her- okay I am sorry.
*She rubs my cheek and gives me a peck on my cheek*
* I smile the widest *


Long story short.
I fell in love with her.
She did not.
Friendzoned -.-
Slowly we started distancing ourselves from each other .
Awkwardness started creeping in .
And now we have reached a point when we do not even talk to each other .
A part of me does not exist anymore.
A side which only came out when she was around.
She went to this ice cream parlor which had a picture of a cow.
And then she decides she’ll call me ‘Moo’
And when someone else calls me by that name she says ‘only I can’

I never wanted to leave.
But the time when I realised, she’s more happier without me than when she’s with me.
I knew it’s time to leave.
At the end of the day all I wanted was, her to be happy.
I know she’ll read this.
I know, the moment she reads she’ll know it is Her who I am talking about.
I do not want us to end because of unspoken words.
Because of unexpressed feelings.
I miss You .
I miss Us.
A Lot.
Always Yours.

12 thoughts on “Family#2

  1. This went from “d’aww” to “sheesh, that’s horrible” real quick. I was grinning from ear to ear while I read the first bit of it. And then my face dropped while I read the part where she friend zoned you. (Experience twinning here.)
    Hoping things get back to how they were and happy days, have a great day today.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah thank you so much! :’) You’re really sweet to say that.
        Take your time with the challenge. No worries. :’D Looking forward to that.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Damn, this post is right in the feels! I know that feeling too, reading this was a bit like Deja Vu. I hope your story ends differently because being a stranger sucks big time.

    But suffering is arguing with reality, so hope you don’t get depressed too much over this. I know it’s easier said than done, but have faith and hope things will work out. Cheers, on a great post mate! πŸ‘πŸ‘


    1. Thanks a lot bro..
      And Ikr..
      Have a common friend’s wedding a couple of months later.
      Wondering how is it going to be with her being around and I stopping myself from talking to her.
      And obviously, everyone is going to shoot questions, what went wrong between us both. Why aren’t we talking anymore and stuff.
      Makes me nervous.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, but the nervousness has no cure really. You’ll learn to be brave and put on a poker face. I can tell you one thing, you’ll survive. Because it takes courage to love without getting anything in return. If you’re capable of that, you’re capable of anything! Make sure to be yourself and don’t let the situation turn you into some awkward guy you’re not. My best wishes to you bro, I’ll pray that things work out for you soon. πŸ‘

        Liked by 1 person

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